You are building a Job that consists of two subJobs being sequentially executed I he first subJob completes successfully.
Which component in the first subJob triggers the execution of the second subJob?
The Start component in a subjob triggers the execution of the next subjob in a sequential order. The Start component is used to define where a subjob begins and to link it with other subjobs within a job. The Start component has only one output link that can be connected to any other component in the same subjob or to another Start component in another subjob. When a subjob completes successfully, it sends an OnSubjobOk trigger to its Start component, which then activates the next subjob linked to it. The Final component, on the other hand, is used to define where a subjob ends and to perform some actions after its completion, such as sending an email or logging a message. The Final component has no output link and does not trigger any other subjob. The Input component and any other component in a subjob do not trigger any other subjob by themselves, unless they are connected to a Start component through an output link or an OnComponentOk trigger.Reference:Talend Open Studio: Open-source ETL and Free Data Integration | Talend, [Start properties - 7.3], [Final properties - 7.3]
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