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Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer Exam Questions

Exam Name: Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer
Exam Code: Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer
Related Certification(s): Salesforce User Experience (UX) Designer UX Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Number of Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer practice questions in our database: 210 (updated: Jul. 17, 2024)
Expected Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :
  • Topic 1: Introduction to Mobile Testing: This section of the exam covers expectations from mobile users, challenges faced by mobile testers, requirements for equipment, and various lifecycle frameworks.
  • Topic 2: Test Planning and Design: This section of the exam covers topics such as identifying attributes and functions. It covers addressing and highlighting risks, determining coverage objectives, identifying test conditions, and determining test scopes.
  • Topic 3: Quality Characteristics for Mobile Testing: This section deals with functional testing aspects as well as non-functional testing during the performance testing phases.
  • Topic 4: Environments and Tools: This section of the exam covers tools, protocols and environments, particular application-focused environment factors, Simulators, Emulators, and test tools.
  • Topic 5: Future-Proofing: This section of the exam covers expecting rapid growth to expand the mobile application and device market. It also covers building flexible testing models as well as planning for the future and anticipating ways to adapt.
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24 days ago
Just passed the Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer exam! A key focus was on Design Thinking. Expect scenario-based questions on applying empathy and user-centered design principles. Study the five stages of Design Thinking and how they apply to Salesforce projects. Thanks to Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions that helped me prepare efficiently!
upvoted 0 times


25 days ago
I recently passed the Salesforce Certified Cyndy Experience Designer exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The Test Planning and Design section was particularly challenging, as it required me to identify test conditions and determine test scopes. One question that stood out to me was about addressing and highlighting risks in the testing process. It made me think critically about potential pitfalls and how to mitigate them.
upvoted 0 times


1 months ago
UX design principles were a significant focus. You might encounter questions about applying specific principles to improve user flows or interface designs. Review core UX concepts like consistency, feedback, and error prevention, and practice applying them to Salesforce-specific scenarios.
upvoted 0 times

Free Salesforce Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for Salesforce Certified User Experience Designer were last updated On Jul. 17, 2024 (see below)

Question #1

A UX Designer determines that the usability of their company's Salesforce org could be improved if there was a tight relationship between the objects Container and Container Bids. For example, Container Bids should be deleted automatically whenever its associated Container is deleted.

Which type of relationship should be used to optimize the link between Container and Container Bids?

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Correct Answer: A

To optimize the relationship between two objects in Salesforce, such as Container and Container Bids, where there is a need for a tight relationship and cascading delete functionality, a Master-Detail relationship is most suitable. This type of relationship has the following characteristics:

Cascading Delete: When a record in the master (or parent) object is deleted, all related detail (or child) records are automatically deleted. This ensures data integrity and aligns with the requirement that Container Bids should be deleted when their associated Container is deleted.

Tight Coupling: A Master-Detail relationship creates a strong linkage between the two objects, where the detail (child) record's existence is dependent on the master (parent) record. This is appropriate for scenarios where the child record should not exist without its parent.

Options B (Hierarchical Lookup) and C (Many-to-one Lookup) do not provide the same level of dependency and cascading delete functionality inherent in a Master-Detail relationship.

Reference: Salesforce's official documentation provides extensive information on different types of relationships between objects, including Master-Detail relationships. The Salesforce Developer Documentation is a valuable resource for understanding how to set up and use these relationships to ensure data integrity and optimize application design.

Question #2

Cloud Kicks has already identified its user personas and is working with a UX Designer who wants to synthesize what the company knows about its users to create a shared understanding with the rest of the organization.

Which tool should the designer use?

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Correct Answer: B

An Empathy Map is a tool used in UX design to synthesize and articulate what a design team knows about a user group. It helps in creating a shared understanding of user needs within an organization. The key features of an Empathy Map include:

User Insights: It captures what users say, think, do, and feel, providing a holistic view of their experiences and perspectives. This helps in understanding users at a deeper level.

Shared Understanding: By visualizing user attitudes and behaviors, an Empathy Map facilitates a common understanding among team members and stakeholders, ensuring that design decisions are aligned with user needs.

An Executive Summary (option A) provides a high-level overview of project objectives and outcomes but does not delve into user-centric insights. Prioritizing a Backlog (option C) is more about organizing and prioritizing tasks and features rather than synthesizing user research findings.

Reference: For guidelines on creating and using Empathy Maps, UX design resources such as the Nielsen Norman Group and the Interaction Design Foundation offer articles and guides on this and other UX research synthesis tools. These resources explain how to effectively use Empathy Maps to gain insights into user needs and foster empathy within design teams.

Question #3

A UX Designer determines that the usability of their company's Salesforce org could be improved if there was a tight relationship between the objects Container and Container Bids. For example, Container Bids should be deleted automatically whenever its associated Container is deleted.

Which type of relationship should be used to optimize the link between Container and Container Bids?

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Correct Answer: A

To optimize the relationship between two objects in Salesforce, such as Container and Container Bids, where there is a need for a tight relationship and cascading delete functionality, a Master-Detail relationship is most suitable. This type of relationship has the following characteristics:

Cascading Delete: When a record in the master (or parent) object is deleted, all related detail (or child) records are automatically deleted. This ensures data integrity and aligns with the requirement that Container Bids should be deleted when their associated Container is deleted.

Tight Coupling: A Master-Detail relationship creates a strong linkage between the two objects, where the detail (child) record's existence is dependent on the master (parent) record. This is appropriate for scenarios where the child record should not exist without its parent.

Options B (Hierarchical Lookup) and C (Many-to-one Lookup) do not provide the same level of dependency and cascading delete functionality inherent in a Master-Detail relationship.

Reference: Salesforce's official documentation provides extensive information on different types of relationships between objects, including Master-Detail relationships. The Salesforce Developer Documentation is a valuable resource for understanding how to set up and use these relationships to ensure data integrity and optimize application design.

Question #4

Cloud Kicks has already identified its user personas and is working with a UX Designer who wants to synthesize what the company knows about its users to create a shared understanding with the rest of the organization.

Which tool should the designer use?

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Correct Answer: B

An Empathy Map is a tool used in UX design to synthesize and articulate what a design team knows about a user group. It helps in creating a shared understanding of user needs within an organization. The key features of an Empathy Map include:

User Insights: It captures what users say, think, do, and feel, providing a holistic view of their experiences and perspectives. This helps in understanding users at a deeper level.

Shared Understanding: By visualizing user attitudes and behaviors, an Empathy Map facilitates a common understanding among team members and stakeholders, ensuring that design decisions are aligned with user needs.

An Executive Summary (option A) provides a high-level overview of project objectives and outcomes but does not delve into user-centric insights. Prioritizing a Backlog (option C) is more about organizing and prioritizing tasks and features rather than synthesizing user research findings.

Reference: For guidelines on creating and using Empathy Maps, UX design resources such as the Nielsen Norman Group and the Interaction Design Foundation offer articles and guides on this and other UX research synthesis tools. These resources explain how to effectively use Empathy Maps to gain insights into user needs and foster empathy within design teams.

Question #5

Cloud Kicks' Sales team needs In-App Guidance for key functions and processes so they can maximize their time.

In which way should a UX Designer customize the Salesforce Help Menu to meet this request?

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Correct Answer: A

Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek, interpret, and remember information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses, while ignoring or discounting information that contradicts them1. Confirmation bias can affect user feedback sessions by influencing how the researcher designs the test, asks the questions, observes the behavior, and analyzes the data of the users.Confirmation bias can lead to inaccurate or incomplete insights, and ultimately to poor design decisions2.

One way to avoid confirmation bias in user feedback sessions is to allow the user to explore the application without specific questions regarding which tasks to perform. This can help the researcher to observe the user's natural and spontaneous interaction with the application, without imposing any expectations or assumptions on them. This can also help the user to express their honest opinions and feelings about the application, without being influenced by the researcher's questions or suggestions.This can result in more authentic and unbiased feedback, and more reliable and valid insights3.

Asking open-ended questions staying away from questions regarding feelings is not a good way to avoid confirmation bias in user feedback sessions, because it can limit the depth and richness of the feedback, and miss the opportunity to understand the user's emotions and motivations. Open-ended questions are questions that allow the user to answer in their own words, rather than choosing from a predefined set of options. Open-ended questions are useful for eliciting more detailed and nuanced feedback, and for exploring the user's thoughts and feelings about the application. However, asking open-ended questions alone is not enough to prevent confirmation bias, as the researcher may still unconsciously frame the questions in a way that leads the user to confirm their hypotheses, or interpret the answers in a way that supports their beliefs.Asking questions regarding feelings is also important, as it can help the researcher to understand the user's emotional response to the application, and how it affects their satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty4.

Asking specific questions about known pain points to confirm your hypothesis is a bad way to avoid confirmation bias in user feedback sessions, because it can introduce the researcher's bias into the feedback process, and influence the user's perception and behavior. Asking specific questions about known pain points can lead the researcher to focus only on the information that confirms their hypothesis, and ignore or dismiss the information that challenges or contradicts it. It can also lead the user to pay more attention to the pain points that the researcher mentions, and overlook or downplay the other aspects of the application.This can result in skewed and distorted feedback, and misleading and invalid insights5.

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