Exam Name: Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional Exam
Exam Code:
Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional Exam
Related Certification(s): Salesforce Interaction Studio Certification
Certification Provider: Salesforce
Number of Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional Exam practice questions in our database:
76 (updated: Aug. 23, 2024)
Expected Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional Exam Topics, as suggested by Salesforce :
- Topic 1: Solution Overview of Salesforce Interaction Studio: Core functionalities of Salesforce Interaction Studio are addressed here. Aspiring Salesforce Interaction Studio administrators, developers, and consultants learn about customer journeys and audience segmentation.
- Topic 2: Setup & Administration of Salesforce Interaction Studio: This topic of the Interaction-Studio-Accredited-Professional exam is all about building personalized customer journeys. It covers account management, compliance, data integration, and content creation.
- Topic 3: Salesforce Interaction Studio Data Integration: This topic of the Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional test focuses on how to connect various customer data sources to the Salesforce Interaction Studio platform.
- Topic 4: Salesforce Interaction Studio Sitemap: By covering this topic of the Interaction-Studio-Accredited-Professional exam, Salesforce administrators, developers, and consultants learn about different aspects of sitemaps to design targeted and dynamic customer journeys within Salesforce Interaction Studio.
- Topic 5: Salesforce Interaction Studio Segmentation: This topic of the Salesforce Interaction Studio Accredited Professional exam includes dynamic segments and building and creating segments as per customer data.
- Topic 6: Salesforce Interaction Studio Einstein Capabilities: It focuses on Einstein integrations with Salesforce Interaction Studio, and functionalities of Salesforce Interaction Studio. The topic also gives Salesforce administrators, developers, and consultants knowledge about how to leverage Einstein data for audience segmentation.
- Topic 7: Activation in Salesforce Interaction Studio: This topic of the Interaction-Studio-Accredited-Professional exam is all about driving action. Salesforce Interaction Studio administrators, developers, and consultants learn to design CTAs and leverage channels to deliver personalized messages.
2 months agoWhitney
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3 months agoSharika
3 months agoChana
3 months ago