On average, one trade fails every 10 days. What is the probability that no trade will fail tomorrow?
You are to perform a simple linear regression using the dependent variable Y and the independent variable X (Y = a + bX). Suppose that cov(X,Y)=10, var(X)= 5, and that the mean of X is 1 and the mean of Y is 2. What are the values for the regression parameters a and b?
Let N(.) denote the cumulative distribution function and suppose that X and Y are standard normally distributed and uncorrelated. Using the fact that N(1.96)=0.975, the probability that X 0 and Y 1.96 is approximately
If a time series has to be differenced twice in order to be transformed into a stationary series, the original series is said to be:
A linear regression gives the following output:
Figures in square brackets are estimated standard errors of the coefficient estimates.
What is the value of the test statistic for the hypothesis that the coefficient of is less than 1?
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