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PeopleCert ITIL-SOA Exam Questions

Exam Name: ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements
Exam Code: ITIL-SOA
Related Certification(s): PeopleCert ITIL Certification
Certification Provider: PeopleCert
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ITIL-SOA practice questions in our database: 14 (updated: Jan. 31, 2025)
Expected ITIL-SOA Exam Topics, as suggested by PeopleCert :
  • Topic 1: How The SOA Processes Rely On A Good Understanding Of Return On Investment (ROI)
  • Topic 2: Service Portfolio Management, Which Provides Documentation For Services And Prospective Services In Business Terms
  • Topic 3: Supplier Management, Which Ensures All Partners And Suppliers Are Managed In The Appropriate Way And Includes Contract Management
  • Topic 4: How The SOA Processes Rely On A Good Business Case/ Overview Of SOA Processes And Basic Principles
  • Topic 5: The Value To The Business Of SOA Activities/ Technology And Implementation Considerations/ SOA Roles And Responsibilities
  • Topic 6: Service Level Management, Which Sets Up A Service Level Agreement (SLA) Structure And Ensures That All Slas Have An Underpinning Support Structure In Place
  • Topic 7: Demand Management, Which Identifies Patterns Of Business Activity To Enable The Appropriate Strategy To Be Implemented
  • Topic 8: Financial Management For IT Services, Which Includes Ensuring Understanding Of The Service Value And The Management Of All Financial Considerations
  • Topic 9: Service Catalogue Management, Which Is Concerned With The Production And Documentation Of The Service Catalogue From A Business And A Technical Viewpoint
  • Topic 10: Challenges, Critical Success Factors And Risks
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4 days ago
Aced the ITIL SOA exam! Pass4Success practice tests were a game-changer. So grateful!
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8 days ago
Just cleared the ITIL SOA exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were extremely useful. There was a question on Business Relationship Management that asked about the key activities involved in maintaining customer relationships. I had to think hard about the engagement techniques.
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1 months ago
ITIL SOA done and dusted! Pass4Success, you rock! Your questions matched the exam style perfectly.
upvoted 0 times


2 months ago
Excited to share that I passed the ITIL SOA exam. Pass4Success practice questions were crucial in my preparation. One question that caught me off guard was about the technology and implementation considerations for SOA, especially regarding automation tools.
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2 months ago
Couldn't have passed ITIL SOA without Pass4Success. Their practice tests were key to my success!
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2 months ago
I passed the ITIL SOA exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were invaluable. There was a question on the roles and responsibilities in SOA, particularly about the Service Owner's duties. I wasn't entirely sure about the scope of their responsibilities.
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3 months ago
Happy to announce I passed the ITIL SOA exam. The Pass4Success practice questions were a great help. One question that puzzled me was about Demand Management and how to analyze patterns of business activity. I had to think twice about the techniques used.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
Phew! Made it through the ITIL SOA exam. Pass4Success questions were incredibly similar to the real thing.
upvoted 0 times


3 months ago
I did it! Passed the ITIL SOA exam, thanks to Pass4Success. There was a question on the roles and responsibilities within Supplier Management that had me second-guessing. Specifically, it asked about the Supplier and Contract Database (SCD).
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Thrilled to share that I passed the ITIL SOA exam. Pass4Success practice questions were spot on. One challenging question asked about the main objectives of Service Level Management and how to set up SLAs effectively. I wasn't completely sure about the metrics part.
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4 months ago
ITIL SOA certified! Pass4Success materials were a lifesaver. Exam wasn't easy, but I felt well-prepared.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
The 7-step Improvement Process is a key concept. Understand each step and how they relate to the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. Expect questions on CSI Register, service measurement, and reporting. You might see scenario-based questions asking you to identify the appropriate step in the improvement process for a given situation.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
Just passed the ITIL SOA exam! The practice questions from Pass4Success were a lifesaver. There was a tricky question on the components of the Service Portfolio and how they interrelate. I had to think hard about the pipeline, catalog, and retired services.
upvoted 0 times


4 months ago
The exam tested understanding of the 7-step Improvement Process. Pass4Success practice questions really helped with this!
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
I recently passed the PeopleCert ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements exam, and I have to say, the Pass4Success practice questions were incredibly helpful. One question that stumped me was about the key activities involved in Service Catalogue Management. I wasn't entirely sure how to prioritize the services, but I managed to get through it.
upvoted 0 times


5 months ago
Just passed the ITIL SOA exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Saved me tons of prep time!
upvoted 0 times


6 months ago
My exam experience was great as I passed the PeopleCert ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements exam with the assistance of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam included topics like Service Portfolio Management and how it helps in documenting services and prospective services in business terms. One question that stood out to me was about the process of managing service portfolios and how it contributes to the overall success of service offerings. Although I had some doubts about my answer, I was able to pass the exam successfully.
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
Just passed the ITIL SOA exam! Thanks Pass4Success for the spot-on practice questions. Key tip: Focus on Service Level Management. Expect scenario-based questions on SLA negotiations and metrics. Make sure you understand the process steps and stakeholders involved. Good luck to future candidates!
upvoted 0 times


7 months ago
I successfully passed the PeopleCert ITIL Service Offerings and Agreements exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics such as how the SOA processes rely on a good understanding of Return on Investment (ROI) and Service Portfolio Management, which provides documentation for services and prospective services in business terms. One question that I remember from the exam was related to the importance of ROI in decision-making for service offerings. I was unsure of the answer at first, but I managed to answer it correctly and pass the exam.
upvoted 0 times

Free PeopleCert ITIL-SOA Exam Actual Questions

Note: Premium Questions for ITIL-SOA were last updated On Jan. 31, 2025 (see below)

Question #1


A retail company has enjoyed significant growth in profit over the past year due to negotiating lower buying costs from its suppliers. The organization wishes to reinvest some of this profit to fund a program of change to optimize the use of IT services. They hope this will support revenue growth in the next financial year whilst maintaining profitability.

The program consists of two main initiatives:

* An expansion of the on-line retailing services to offer more functionality

* Enhancement of the marketing service to allow greater targeting of promotional offers.

There are various options for providing these services that involve use of the current infrastructure or the new virtualization technology, which is slowly being deployed across the organization. The board of directors wishes to conduct a financial review over the next 3 months to compare the cost of providing each service. Projected business revenues will allow the return on investment (ROI) of each option to be calculated. This review will provide an input to the IT organization's service portfolio management process, allowing the various investment options to be considered and an informed decision to be made.

The organization has a good appreciation of its IT costs along with a mature service catalogue and configuration management system (CMS).

Refer to the Scenario.

Which one of the following options would be the BEST approach to providing the information for the financial review of the service options?

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Correct Answer: D

Question #2


A commercial IT services company has been successful for many years. Its key strategic differentiator has been the provision of new services to meet customers' needs in very short lead times. Recently profits have dipped, forcing senior management to take a look at the lifecycle costs of providing the IT services to their external customers.

The organization has had a service catalogue containing customer and supporting views for some time. It is an essential source of information about the IT services and is used by both the business relationship managers and the IT services teams. Services are designed internally but often transitioned and operated in partnership with other suppliers.

For each service, the service catalogue currently contains:

* A description of the service

* Summary of the service level targets

* The level of support and support details

* Details of the supporting services and components

* Details of services obtained from suppliers

When sales leads are obtained from potential new customers, the requirements are compared with services in the service catalogue and, if no matching service can be found, a project is set up to quickly develop a new service. In the past this has been justified as meeting the needs of the customers, and full business cases were not developed.

A senior service manager has suggested introducing a service portfolio management process and needs to get the support of the IT management team. The management team wishes to know what extra information would be included in a service portfolio over and above what is already in the service catalogue and what value it would be to them.

The company is looking to restrict investment in new resources. Therefore, only a few projects can be authorized in the next budget cycle.

Refer to the Scenario.

Which one of the following sets of statements BEST describes the elements that a service portfolio contains in addition to the elements in a service catalogue, and describes the additional value service portfolio management would bring to the IT services company in resolving their current issues?

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Correct Answer: D

Question #3


An internet banking organization plans to expand operations outside of its current market. Whilst the exact details have yet to be established, it is clear that the IT organization must expand its service offerings within the current portfolio in order to support this growth. It is equally apparent that external customer needs for banking will vary from market to market and that consequently this will require development of completely new service offerings.

You are the head of service within the IT organization. You helped the organization adopt the ITIL framework some years ago and now have most processes in place. Service owners are allocated for the main IT services. Mature service portfolio, service catalogue and service level management processes are in place.

The expansion requires ownership of a business relationship management process and you are considering the role profile for this post.

Refer to the Scenario.

Which one of the following options provides the BEST overview of the business relationship manager's (BRM) responsibilities which will be key to support the expansion?

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Correct Answer: B

Question #4


A clothing manufacturer has made a decision to supplement factory-based retail outlets by opening a series of stores at out-of-town shopping malls.

The internal IT organization provides support to many mission-critical business systems for both the manufacturing and retail operations. It must increase its portfolio of services and service options to meet the planned new expansion. Typically, the business is subject to seasonal patterns of demand, which recently have begun to exceed the capability of some of the IT services. This has led to periods of poor performance of some of the critical systems and therefore to degraded service quality. In periods of minimal demand, there is a surplus of capacity and performance is optimal.

There is concern that the additional business demand from the new stores will exacerbate these service performance issues.

The board of directors, made up of representatives from each business unit, has asked for a review of the business supply and demand issues currently being faced by the IT organization. Many service management processes have been implemented including service portfolio management and capacity management. However, IT does not have a demand management process.

Additionally, performance levels on many of the supporting services have remained unchanged for the past 3 years, even though some may now be less relevant to the overall performance of the critical services.

Refer to the Scenario.

The review of the supply and demand issues concluded that the implementation of a demand management process could help the IT organization address the issues. Which one of the following options provides the BEST solution to both the problems currently being faced and those related to the proposed expansion?

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Correct Answer: A

Question #5


A flower delivery company introduced ITIL-based service management processes 12 months ago.

One major benefit of the associated service improvement initiatives was that the service availability of the business critical on-line flower ordering IT service increased from 97% to 98.9% over the last quarter. This exceeds the service availability target of 98.5%. Last month, reports were circulated showing the availability improvement.

The service level manager is chairing a service review meeting to review the progress and report upon this achievement. The customer managers acknowledge the improvement but despite the reports of improved service availability, a major service outage occurred during the busiest week of the year when over 25% of the annual business revenue is normally earned. Although IT dealt with the outage satisfactorily, the loss of revenue and credibility in this mission critical, high-visibility trading period are serious concerns. The customer managers are concerned that the reporting does not seem to reflect this or their actual perception of the service.

Agreement is reached at the meeting to address two primary concerns:

1. Service availability targets for the mission critical periods are to be revised.

2. Amended and more representative business reports are to be produced.

Refer to the Scenario.

Which one of the following options will BEST ensure that the primary concerns related to the revision and reporting of targets are addressed?

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Correct Answer: C

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