010-160: Linux Essentials Certificate, version 1.6
LPI 010-160 Exam Questions
Exam Name:Linux Essentials Certificate, version 1.6
Exam Code:
Related Certification(s):LPI Linux Essentials Certification
Certification Provider:LPI
Number of 010-160 practice questions in our database:80 (updated: Jan. 19, 2025)
Expected 010-160 Exam Topics, as suggested by LPI :
Topic 1: Knowledge Of Linux Development And Major Distributions, Distributions, Embedded Systems, Linux In The Cloud
Topic 2: Awareness Of Major Applications As Well As Their Uses And Development, Desktop Applications, Server Applications
Topic 3: Development Languages, Package Management Tools And Repositories
Topic 4: Open Communities And Licensing Open Source Software For Business, Open Source Philosophy, Open Source Licensing
Topic 5: Free Software Foundation (FSF), Open Source Initiative (OSI)
Topic 6: Basic Information And Communication Technology (ICT) Skills And Working In Linux, Desktop Skills, Getting To The Command Line
Topic 7: Industry Uses Of Linux, Cloud Computing And Virtualization
Topic 8: Basics Of Using The Linux Command Line, Basic Shell/ Command Line Syntax/ Variables/ Quoting
Topic 9: Running Help Commands And Navigation Of The Various Help Systems, Main Pages, Info Pages
Topic 10: Navigation Of Home And System Directories And Listing Files In Various Locations, Files, Directories
Topic 11: Hidden Files And Directories/ Home Directories/ Absolute And Relative Paths
Topic 12: Create, Move And Delete Files And Directories Under The Home Directory, Files And Directories, Case Sensitivity, Simple Globbing
Topic 13: Archiving Files In The User Home Directory, Files, Directories/ Archives, Compression
Topic 14: Search And Extract Data From Files In The Home Directory, Command Line Pipes, I/O Redirection, Basic Regular Expressions Using ., [ ], *, And ?
Topic 15: Turning Repetitive Commands Into Simple Scripts, Basic Shell Scripting, Awareness Of Common Text Editors (Vi And Nano)
Topic 16: Knowledge Of Major Operating Systems And Linux Distributions, Distribution Life Cycle Management
Topic 17: Differences Between Windows, OS X And Linux/ Knowledge Of Major Operating Systems And Linux Distributions
Topic 18: Familiarity With The Components That Go Into Building Desktop And Server Computers, Hardware
Topic 19: Various Types Of Information Are Stored On A Linux System, Programs And Configuration, Processes, Memory Addresses, System Messaging, Logging
Topic 20: Querying Vital Networking Configuration And Determining The Basic Requirements For A Computer On A Local Area Network (LAN)
User and group management was tested. Know how to create, modify, and delete users and groups. Understand the purpose of /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
Text processing came up in the exam. Practice using grep, sed, and awk for searching and manipulating text files. These skills are essential for any Linux user.
Passed the exam with flying colors! Pass4Success really helped. Make sure you can explain the concept of open-source software and its licensing models.
I passed the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam, and the Pass4Success practice questions were a big help. One question that puzzled me was about the different types of processes in Linux. It asked how to list all running processes and their statuses. I was unsure whether to use 'ps' or 'top', but I managed to get through it.
The exam covered basic networking concepts. Know how to use ifconfig/ip to view and configure network interfaces. Understanding IP addressing is important.
The LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam is now behind me, and I couldn't have done it without the Pass4Success practice questions. A particularly tough question was about the Linux filesystem hierarchy. It asked where user-specific configuration files are typically stored. I had to think about the /home directory and its structure.
Thanks to Pass4Success, I was well-prepared for questions on process management. Be familiar with ps, top, and kill commands. Understanding job control is crucial.
I am thrilled to have passed the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam, with significant help from Pass4Success practice questions. One question that caught me off guard was about the different types of users in Linux. It asked how to add a new user to the system and set their default shell. I wasn't entirely confident in my answer, but I still passed.
Linux file system hierarchy questions popped up. Study the purpose of directories like /etc, /home, and /var. Know where to find system logs and configuration files.
Passing the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam was a great achievement for me, and the Pass4Success practice questions were instrumental. There was a question about the command line that asked how to find all files containing a specific string within a directory. I hesitated between 'grep' and 'find' but eventually figured it out.
Package management was a key topic. Understand the differences between apt and yum. Know how to install, update, and remove packages using these tools.
I successfully passed the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam, thanks in part to the practice questions from Pass4Success. One challenging question was about the different types of Linux distributions and their package management systems. It asked which package manager is used by Debian-based systems. I was a bit unsure but managed to recall it was APT.
The exam tested my knowledge of basic shell commands. Make sure you're comfortable with ls, cd, and pwd. Practice navigating the filesystem efficiently.
The LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam is behind me now, and I owe a lot to the Pass4Success practice questions. There was this tricky question about the Linux boot process. It asked to identify the correct sequence of stages from BIOS to the login prompt. I had to think hard about the order of bootloader, kernel, and init system, but I got through it.
Just passed the LPI Linux Essentials exam! Grateful to Pass4Success for their spot-on practice questions. Be ready for file permissions scenarios – know your chmod and chown commands inside out!
I just passed the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam, and I have to say, the Pass4Success practice questions were a huge help. One question that stumped me was about the different types of file permissions in Linux. It asked how to change the permissions of a file to make it readable and writable by the owner, but only readable by the group and others. I wasn't entirely sure of the command syntax, but I managed to pass the exam nonetheless.
Passing the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam was a great achievement for me, and I attribute my success to using Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered a wide range of topics, including major distributions and embedded systems. One question that I remember was about server applications and their role in managing network resources efficiently. Despite my initial confusion, I managed to pass the exam.
My experience with the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam was successful, thanks to Pass4Success practice questions. The exam included questions on major applications and their uses, both on desktop and server environments. One question that I found challenging was about Linux in the cloud and its benefits for businesses. Despite my uncertainty, I was able to pass the exam.
Just passed the LPI Linux Essentials exam! One key topic was file permissions. Expect questions on interpreting and modifying permissions using chmod. Study octal notation and understand how read, write, and execute permissions work for users, groups, and others. Thanks to Pass4Success for providing relevant practice questions that helped me prepare quickly!
I recently passed the LPI Linux Essentials Certificate exam with the help of Pass4Success practice questions. The exam covered topics such as Linux development, major distributions, and applications. One question that stood out to me was related to embedded systems and their use in IoT devices. Despite being unsure of the answer, I managed to pass the exam.
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Free LPI 010-160 Exam Actual Questions
Note: Premium Questions for 010-160 were last updated On
Jan. 19, 2025 (see below)
Question #1
Which one of the following statements concerning Linux passwords is true?
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