E20-065: Data Scientist Advanced Analytics Specialist Dumps
Free Dell EMC E20-065 Exam Dumps
Here you can find all the free questions related with Dell EMC Data Scientist Advanced Analytics Specialist (E20-065) exam. You can also find on this page links to recently updated premium files with which you can practice for actual Dell EMC Data Scientist Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam. These premium versions are provided as E20-065 exam practice tests, both as desktop software and browser based application, you can use whatever suits your style. Feel free to try the Data Scientist Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam premium files for free, Good luck with your Dell EMC Data Scientist Advanced Analytics Specialist Exam.
Question No: 1
Consider the two sentences below.
* I mailed my credit card application to the bank
* We walked along the river bank until we came to a waterwheel
What type of NLP ambiguity might occur when interpreting the word 'bank'?