Which practice should be used to push a code fix to make it into the current release candidate?
To push a code fix into the current release candidate, the best practice is to cherry-pick the fix commit into the release candidate branch. Cherry-picking allows you to apply specific changes from one branch to another, ensuring that only the necessary fixes are included without introducing unrelated changes.
Here's how to cherry-pick a commit:
Identify the Commit: Locate the commit hash of the fix you need to apply. This can be found in your version control system (e.g., Git).
Checkout the Release Candidate Branch:
git checkout release-candidate-branch
Cherry-pick the Commit:
git cherry-pick <commit-hash>
Resolve Conflicts (if any): If there are conflicts, resolve them manually and then continue the cherry-pick process:
git add <resolved-files>
git cherry-pick --continue
Test the Changes: Ensure that the changes are tested thoroughly in the release candidate environment to confirm the fix works as expected.
Push the Changes:
git push origin release-candidate-branch
Cherry-picking ensures that only the required changes are applied to the release candidate, maintaining the stability and integrity of the codebase.
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